
Nanu – Carnage

May 2, 20192 min read

• Dark, wild, brutal atmosphere
• “Venom” follow-up
• Creative kind of bass house

A few months back I reviewed a nice bass house song from Nanu, “Venom“. Despite not being a fan of the genre (& also being unfamiliar to the Marvel Universe), I loved how the Canadian producer developed an intriguing idea in a brutal, dark composition.

Well, the follow-up is out! “Carnage” maintains a similar structure and concept, consisting of a “villain speech” from the protagonist accompanied by brutal bass house segments. It’s a fragmented composition, rich with pauses, stops, sudden apparitions, new elements, and new samples… But its structure is kept linear and solid, easy to follow and enjoy. If I have to be honest though, I think that the first drop was even too minimal! Nanu combined an apparently chaotic cluster of sounds fantastically, and this was my favorite detail in “Venom” as well.

Unfortunately, the two tracks are notably similar. Sure, we are talking about follow-ups, but “Carnage” didn’t impress me as much as its predecessor, for the simple reason that the idea isn’t new anymore: the song doesn’t dare to add any new experiment and follows the same formula. Tricky situation, because the formula itself is already unique, so I shouldn’t complain about that, but, in the end, I felt slightly disheartened by the aforementioned detail.

However, I have been entertained by this energetic bass house creation, and it’s a great way to introduce Nanu and his creation to whoever has missed the previous review. This artist has an engaging and creative style, and I hope to hear another song like that, maybe “Toxin” (the third symbiote of the Marvel universe).

You can listen to “Carnage” here:


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