
Hardwell & KURA x Anthony B – Police (You Ain’t Ready)

August 12, 20173 min read


“Police (You Ain’t Ready)” is a surprising track.

I remember listening to a RIP preview of a set and being bored by the first drop… I wasn’t expecting anything special from “Police”. Well, surprise!

The second drop is way better, a hard house experiment by Hardwell, fresh and interesting! Plus, the good vocal by Anthony B helps “You Ain’t Ready” in becoming a great and enjoyable track, out of schemes and innovative.

KURA, the Portuguese talent, and Hardwell have already worked together in “Calavera“, a summer hit of 2016. This time they both experimented an unconventional trap/hardstyle/reggae hit, which you surely find curious and courageous.

Yes, “courageous” is the right word. “You Ain’t Ready” is pretty underground, and it may confuse you… But I personally think it’s well made and creative. Let’s take the fabulous vocal, for example. Anthony B is the real star here, basically because he made an unforgettable job. Nowadays, reggaeish breaks are a trend (used by Olly James and KEVU, for example) and the vocals are becoming overused. I agree that they are catchy but generic. Anthony B made a different vocal, still reggaeish but never heard before, and that helped a lot, from a creativity point of view! Brilliant choice.

“You Ain’t Ready” is 75% KURA.

His signature sound is extremely dominant, and his characteristic acid lead is the real protagonist here. Nothing to complain about that, of course, since this EP is focused on valorizing talents. The first drop is average, it’s basically the “King Kong” one with a less catchy melody, and, as said, it disappointed me.

Luckily the rest of the tune is majestic. The break is an example of versatility and creativity, very ethnic and well made (remember that KURA is not a reggae producer). Together with the awesome vocal, that part is really enjoyable, until Hardwell comes with his hardstyle buildup.

That was a total surprise. A pleasureful surprise!
His slow hardstyle drop is really catchy, huge and particular. It represents his new hardstyle personality, and together with the KURA lead, the final effect is particularly appreciated.

In the end, “You Ain’t Ready” started bad, but improved during the second part. Good quality and interesting idea, I wasn’t expecting something so good!

You can listen to “Police (You Ain’t Ready)” here:

Tagged In:#Hardwell, #KURA,

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