Now Reading: Not this countdown: The latest synergy between Tiesto & R3HAB lacks the punch


Not this countdown: The latest synergy between Tiesto & R3HAB lacks the punch

November 15, 20232 min read

• Linear and predictable
• Brazilian Bass groove, big room synths
• Short duration

Two powerhouses in the EDM scene getting together isn’t commonplace— especially considering Tiesto and R3HAB– who have rightfully pioneered and shaped the dance music scene at its peak. So when two first-rate artists finally decide on an official collaboration, expectations are undeniably high. Lackluster efforts in such scenarios are disappointing, and unfortunately, “Run Free (Countdown)” comes off as a diluted attempt at a festival/club track.

To make this point stronger, let’s put this side by side with another record that involved both; that would be, the Tiesto remix of R3HAB’s big room hit “Samurai”: nearly a decade old, this joint effort between the Dutch veterans is still considerably memorable with its snappy one-note drops and melodic breakdowns, complete with its bright saw synths. There was more ingenuity even in this, although scattered with predictable cogs from the genre around the time. Most noticeably, there was a ‘hook’- so to speak- which caught attention.

The same cannot be said about “Run Free (Countdown)”: in a brisk two-minute show, the production rushes into the drop after brass stabs and horns play around, making way for big room drop synths over a stereotypical Brazilian Bass groove. The sound design isn’t as satisfying, leaving the drop running on empty fumes with the barebones of a bassline and kick-drum combination, lacking the supply of a strong low-end. This is as straightforward as it gets; the absence of the crucial and anticipated signature of both artists— although their styles vary now and then— gives away a flat and sluggish performance.

In all regards, “Run Free (Countdown)” could have been so much more. Two eminent artists on a single project should carry more weight and substance. Regrettably, this struggles to be repeat-worthy and narrowly focuses on being trendy enough to hit playlist quotas.

You can listen to “Run Free” here:


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