• Delicate and stunning composition
• The magic is in the details
• OMG, I love that guitar!
Almost forty eight hours ago, we asked the audience to suggest a track for review, and two of them were selected due to greater amount of likes. The final decision was made by the members of our Discord server (join us if you want to know underrated tracks just like this), with “Two Thrones” getting proclaimed as the winner! And deservedly so, as HRSH, Astera and 24bit have probably crafted one of the most creative songs I have heard in this genre so far.
Trap was quietly succumbing to the repetitiveness, with exceptions being released on either Tribal Trap or Elysian. “Two Thrones” is the gust of fresh wind we needed, having plenty incendiary that one could regret skipping by (my extended gratitude to the guy who submitted this, a lovely selection!).
The introduction leads a strong but slow guitar and an intriguing ambience that can perfectly amp-up a final boss battle, as the stringed instrument in the build-up handles the build-up section like a champ. Loved it, there can hardly be any complaints about this because it doesn’t overdo, and executes the right way.
After a satisfying inauguration, the drop welcomes a change by being highly experimental. Don’t head in expecting the typical aggressive bassline akin to SAYMYNAME or other names in the scene do; pure Trap reigns here, something that perhaps many of us missed. Definitely an unpredictable experience with an excessive dark attitude, and most head-bangers will probably fall in love here.
The mentioned triad’s synergy offers enough to being almost flawless, refreshment from the style that has become somewhat mundane these days. A first listen might not do justice, with one eventually finding out the clever details added to this specific production, making it superior in many ways.
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