
KEVU – Go Down

September 17, 20172 min read


I had to review this bomb by KEVU, one of my favorite songs by the Portuguese duo! “Go Down”, despite having a generic title, is a super interesting electro\big room tune. It’s actually part of an EP, and I’m really curious to hear it, it will be out soon!

Anyway, “Go Down” managed to keep KEVU typical style, while adding more dynamism and energy than usual. Yes, if I could summarize the tune with just a word, it would be “frenetic”. Everything is fast, quick, aggressive, I really enjoyed it!

The drop has a superb melody, with the classic KEVU lead and some splendid claws that added power to the whole part. It’s hard to describe with words, but the amount of energy released here is incredible.

I really liked it because with “Go Down” KEVU finally showed their full potential. Don’t get me wrong, they were already really good before, but here their lead, their big room style, their brutal vibes are on another level. The funny part is that there isn’t any particular element, just a dynamic melody, a bouncy bassline and those super claws.
The duo used them in the perfect way, delivering an awesome product.
For me, it’s not a super-creative tune, but I’m pretty sure that with its powerful mood “Go Down” can burn any dancefloor. It’s one of those songs that are good not for the idea, but for the majestic realization.

I hope you will enjoy it, always remembering that we are talking about KEVU, two of the best big room producers around!

You can listen to “Go Down” here:

Tagged In:#Go Down, #KEVU,

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