Basshunters are probably two of the most underrated producers I’ve ever known. I can’t really understand why their music and their creativity is not already well recognized by the public. I mean, did you ever heard someone using bagpipes as signature sound?
The uses of traditional instruments in EDM is lovely for me, they give to music that “vintage” element that makes me crazy. Basshunters style is a clear example of that. I already interviewed and underlined their creativity some months ago (you can read it here) and now they are back with another banger!
Surprisingly, “Celtic” is very different from “Warcry”. The bagpipes are still here, but the atmosphere is not “medieval” anymore, it’s more wild, more aggressive, but with the typical Basshunter elegance.
As the previous song, “Celtic” has an absurd vocal. This time is not really dominant, because the duo made one of the best break of the month, but I liked that really small detail.
The dominant element is the flute. OH. MY. GOD. That flute is absolutely brilliant, catchy and hypnotic. The fact that Basshunters made one of the best melodies I’ve ever heard in 2017 is just a detail, because when the flute attack in the riffs and in the second part of the drop, I felt goosebumps. And goosebumps means at least a 90+ rating. The drop is a progressive – with electro influence in the lead – part that valorizes in the best way possible the stunning melody. I must be honest, one of the catchiest things I’ve ever heard in a while.
“Celtic” is another little masterpiece from those guys. Their bagpipes sound is still here, but this time they added a magical flute, creating something unprecedented.
So, in few words, we have:
– A unique and classy signature sound
– A wonderful melody
– A crazy break, with both big room and orchestral elements
– Goosebumps
– Tons of creativity
Sorry for everyone, this is my favorite “Discovery Talents” song of the month. Hell yeah.
The only minimal detail I didn’t fully enjoy is the bassline in the drop, not as perfect as the rest, so I can’t give a 100\100, but “Celtic” is a freaking masterpiece. Basshunters deserve a lot more success, and I’m proud to have noticed their talent immediately!
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