
Stop Stealing Our Reviews!

August 3, 20223 min read

Let’s begin with the premise that this is a rather useless complaint, I doubt these people will ever stop. This article is mostly a warning call to those who are looking for channels to promote their music, and replying to some fans asking us about this issue.

If you happen to google random lines from our reviews, you will find that our website isn’t the only one on the results, but also some others. Today, I want to shed light on @edmallday (copy) and @all.aboutedm, since they are the most recent results when searching the first lines of our reviews, but you can be sure that the copycats- or better, thieves– have been at this business for years.

Go to their pages, and you will see our reviews between their articles. They are identical, with the entire HTML and attachments copied and pasted. The hyperlinks are linking to our reviews at edmreviewer.com… Evidently, the geniuses at EDM All Day and All About EDM are using bots for scrapping contents off our site, then posting them as their own without any due credits.


Honestly, caring about these things is futile. Our reviews are unique and we often mention our page, inside jokes, and previous posts, so any observant reader can immediately spot that something is off. “Imitation is the sincerest form of flatter“, as they say.

However, these pages don’t actually care about the contents.

All they need are placeholders for filling up their sites with “professional-looking” content, then they relieve artists of their hard-earned money in the name of promotion. EDM All Day, miraculously, also holds the title of “Really Good Blogger” on Submithub, with 1000+ submissions received to date. So, hundreds of artists paid to hope to be shared on a website full of stolen content, where (evidently) there aren’t capable writers or a real following either, apparently.


That’s why I care.

I can’t stop bots from going through our website, but the least I can do is to warn people to pay attention, especially if you are looking to invest some budget into promotion. Don’t give money to fraudulent business fronts such as these, instead, a bit of research will provide you with plenty of right spots for pitching your music.

And if you are reading this article and the website or the page has no mention of “EDM Reviewer” anywhere, please report it. I am sure that these deadbeats won’t even check the content they are stealing.


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