
Mike Williams – Rocket

September 30, 20182 min read


• Lovely drop sounds
• Bouncy vibes, with sci-fi influences
• Static melodic approach

The are some names in the EDM scene that never disappoint, and Mike Williams is, of course, one of them. Some months after the release of the colossal “Lullaby” (90+ for us), he is showing us that he wants to end the year at the same level.

“Rocket” is his latest track, and he managed to make a really good product that proves that he’s still one of the kings of future bounce.

The break starts with a good level of energy, showing us the melody since the beginning, which is played by some cool vocal chops. As the title suggests, some airy synths and the ambience give the track a great space feeling, that falls smoothly into the build-up as long as the drop comes.

Here, I can just take my hat off and clap. Some extremely dry synths take over this part, playing the same melody that we had heard before, but this time with an amazing bouncy feeling that makes you love this song instantly. As a big fan of middle drop transitions, I have to say that this one is gorgeous, with a crunchy piano that introduces you to the second part of the drop in a really subtle way.

The rest of the track is pretty much the same, except for a vocal that appears in the second break and build up. Although it’s an incredible tune, I would have preferred to hear a different melody in the break and in the drop, because at the end it can be a bit monotone, and that is weird coming from a great melody maker as Mike Williams. Anyway, I really enjoyed “Rocket” and I highly recommend you to take a listen to it!

You can listen to “Rocket” here:


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