
Corona Extra: Summer Refresher

April 1, 20202 min read

Summertime beer, not to be compared with other reputed brands
Dissatisfying taste, especially with the aroma
Lightweight structure, useful especially on heated days

Despite the misappropriate marketing coincidentally caused by the homonymous trouble-maker, we tasted today’s drink with our usual impartial attitude. Our beer reviews are absolutely neutral, as all of you should know!

So… summer is not so far, and it’s likely that the temperature of your zone is rising up! Corona Extra is becoming widely consumed during these situations.

Despite being rarely admired by serious beer drinkers for its lightness, this Mexican product has an invigorating flavour that is difficult to replicate… Especially when drunk with a lime wedge, as the tradition imposes!

Corona Extra

This very well might be the most easily recognized beer bottle in the US.
The glass is clear, giving away its shiny golden yellow colour of its content. The lettering of the label is white and blue, with a golden crown as its branding logo (corona means crown in Spanish).

Now let’s jump into the fun part. The mouthfeel is thin and watery. The carbonation, which is medium-strong, serves to fizz up the diluted feel, but not hiding it. Its scent consisted of mild wheat, malted sweetness, and oddly, a hint of leather. But this is all followed by massive amounts of corn filler aroma.

Corona beer has a very lean and weakened structure, and the experience for expert reviewers (and beer snobs) like us has rather been disappointing. In addition, with the exposure to air, the aftertaste degrades to extremely sour.

We would have preferred something more “full-bodied”‌, but let’s be honest:‌ Corona is the right beer if you are looking for a light drink during the heat. However, it must not be compared with other vintages: in our opinion, these are different contexts.

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