
Matthew Ros & Skytters – Takha

October 18, 20172 min read


I was listening to HOA last week and Hardwell played a really nice demo, “Takha”. Today I’m going to spend a couple of words about it because I think it really deserves them, a little jewel that needs to be shown to your greedy ears!

“Takha” vocal sounds familiar, first of all… It’s the same vocal of “Zantar”, by NoTech and Maestro Harrell, a song I really liked! This made me a bit nostalgic, but I must admit that it fits smoothly with the tribal rhythm of the production!

The artists involved are the duo Skytters and Matthew Ros, from Italy. I was already paying attention to Skytters in particular, they make interesting stuff, but “Takha” is a sort of surprise. More tribal, more rhythmic, more attention to percussions and drums: this is mainly because of the Matthew Ros influence.

I loved the intro, in addition: it brought me some Jewelz & Sparks vibes. Said that, apart from vocal and intro the song is really creative and catchy. The drop is a combination between the two styles: mainly groovy and tribal because of Matthew Ros, but there are some electro elements by Skytters. In conclusion, I think that they balanced pretty well the space.

“Takha” is one of the most interesting “Revealed.dj” releases at the moment. Something fresh, creative, and out of the box, I was getting tired of the electro house stuff. Congratulations!

You can listen to “Takha” here:


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