
Tommy Trash & D.O.D – Don’t Wait

September 11, 20174 min read


This time, I’m gonna review a very special genre that D.O.D created around one year ago: future jack. “Don’t Wait” is a great mix of future house and some groove elements. And for creating it, he collaborated with Tommy Trash, a really good and unique producer in the EDM industry.

The track starts with this cool groovy breakdown. There is that high-pitched vocal which sounds pretty good, but even if it’s wonderful, it’s totally the opposite from that groovy melody.
There’s also some piano notes in the background, they are a bit unnoticed but it gives a bit more consistency to the track. And overall, this breakdown is a bit short compared to the break which is a bit too long.

The first break is plain, it comes after the vocal fades away, and it is made with one main layer that is similar to the drop. But the way those liquid background noises come after the breakdown makes this break way too weird and different. The snare drums and kicks give a lot of energy to the whole result but I wish there were a vocal chop or something that would remind more the breakdown!

The pre-drop vocal is perfectly well added though, and this drop is completely amazing.
In more details, I find this bassline very unique, I don’t even know how to classify it. I can only say it is a typical bassline from D.O.D.
The distortion of this main synth is very well thought, switching between higher and deeper pitches.
The second part of it is more high-pitched, and that’s what gives intensity to it. I love that!

I must say that this dominant groovy synth is very effective. It’s not so unique but that’s all the elements around it that make the drop creative.

A little snare drum is finishing the drop. A real problem here is that the kick becomes too slow, and that it gives the impression to hear an intro in the middle of the track. A more energetic bridge would have fitted better I think. There’s a deep-pitched vocal loop that prepares for the rest of the track, and it is refreshing though.
Anyway, this bridge is only about this little low kick and this vocal, and there’s no real dominant synth in it!

And that’s the same for the rest of the track! The second drop is probably just a bit shorter, but it’s not even a good change so that’s disappointing somehow.

As a result, I find “Don’t Wait” good, really… But its potential has not been fully used in my opinion, because Tommy Trash and D.O.D are both capable of crazy things!!
Just look at ‘Satisfy’ or ‘Sixes’ from D.O.D, and to ‘About U’ by Tommy Trash, those are amazing groovy tracks. And that melodic vocal by Tommy Trash isn’t enhanced by the main groovy lead.
The scheme is too simple, and when you hear the first part of the track, you’ve heard everything.
I still think it’s important to hear it once, at least to have an opinion about it. Some people will love it, and some will hate!

You can listen to “Don’t Wait” here:


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