
Steven Vegas: The New KURA?

November 14, 20184 min read

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The amount of similarities between two of the biggest talents of the Revealed Recordings roster is amazing. KURA is inarguably the most notorious Portuguese artist in the big room/electro house world, thanks to his aggressive and brutal style, rich tribal percussions and squeaky sounds. Then you have Steven Vegas who is the latest fresh recruit on Hardwell’s label. At this moment, with his first solo release “Danger” on the main label, we can consider him as one of “big names”. He made his period of apprenticeship, like KURA, with four releases on Revealed.DJ and various samplers, plus two official remixes for KAAZE and Paris & Simo.

His signature style reminds us of a brutal version of KURA’s, with speeded-up drops, less importance gives to percussions but more on frenetic basslines. There’s the same reggae vocals, bouncy structure, and extremely similar signature leads. That squeaky “jungle” sound can be associated with only two people in the world: KURA and Steven Vegas.

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Before considering him the “real” KURA heir, we need some time. When the young Venezuelan producer achieves similar results as the Portuguese star, we will finally say “We told you so.” At the moment, we have promising results, but there are still some doubts.

“Danger” is a nice song, but we prefer speaking about Steven this time. Why? Well, there isn’t very much to add about it that we didn’t say in previous reviews. His style is somehow unique and recognizable, but there is a high risk of getting stuck with this formula. He must not become predictable. It’s a weakness that KURA is experiencing: his fans only want electro house, and experiments with future bass or bass house aren’t well accepted. His latest electro house releases don’t bring anything new to the table, despite being enjoyable releases at points.

Steven didn’t try yet something completely experimental: is style is still a work in progress, even though his sound is clearly recognizable. We have yet to see if he can shape it in different genres.

Those are our thoughts on Steven Vegas: an extremely talented producer with a unique sound, but he must be mindful not to run his formula into the ground like others artists have done before him.  We can’t wait to hear something different from him. At the moment “Danger” satisfies us, however, we are starting to notice a slightly monotonous pattern in his releases.

Take a listen for yourself at the Steven Vegas discography and see if you agreed with the conclusions we’ve come to.

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