As lustrous as the gold, this release by Jefani, a duo hailing from US, have created a fantastic trance production which promises any trance fanatic to help them delve deep down the nostalgia lane. With roll basslines, thumping kick and uplifting melody, “Golden Eyes” is sure to enchant and entrance you.
The track has all the attributes for 00s trance; uplifting and emotional. Listening to this reminded me of old productions by erstwhile System F and Paul Van Dyk.
The track initiates with a droning sound, slowly fading out as the trancy synths slowly glide in. A riser, as expected, comes in to introduce the synth properly alongside kick and the rolling bassline. The track smoothly progresses thereafter, keeping a subtle pumping groove that any uplifting trance production boasts of.
In a nutshell, this release is quite impressive even though if it follows a style gone-by almost two decades ago, and definitely brings up the vintage vibes of trance genre. Trance aficionados definitely can relish this truly 2000s style track.
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