After being premiered by Martin Garrix in a live show some time back, this splendid track finally gets a release. Crafted by the talented Polish artist Blinders, we are ready for “Snakecharmer”. Funny fact: there is also included the Hindi word “सपेरा” in the title, which means the same, but nonetheless, it adds more “ethnic” vibes. It was quite surprising to see Blinders trying out something entirely new from their usual style.
As it can be guessed,”Snakecharmer” has exotic elements which have been used adeptly to give that mysterious “eastern world” feeling to the atmosphere. The track follows both house and a breakbeat style, so it would be probably better to not pinpoint any genre to this creative piece of work.
The track initiates with a unique pluck synth sound, playing out a distinct Arabic style melody. Vocal samples and percussion come in the breakdown to get things rolling. Slowly the vocal gets amplified, at the same time with a steady snare riser coming in the backdrop, and with a perfect pace stops just in time to introduce a predrop snakecharmer’s flute sound to let the innovative drop hit.
The drop was completely unexpected. I had a pre-notion, that it would include the typical squeaky leads, but I was proven wrong. Blinders did a brilliant job on the sound selection, in my opinion. The drop synth sounds like a wind instrument, with different effects to make it even more distinct and catchy. The groove gets supplemented by a 4 by 4 kick pattern, but switches to a breakbeat in the second part. The drop melody is also fascinating, inspired by exotic Arabic melodies.
My conclusions on”Snakecharmer”? This track is absolutely marvelous. Something very different in the platter from Garrix’s label, and quite exceptional.
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