Corey James from UK surprises with a new lovely progressive tune, “Back In Time”. Together with the singer HENKO, the long-awaited SIZE release is impressing and superlative.
First of all, the cover is different from the other SIZE releases. In a cartoonish style, and with the lovely idea to draw the label’s logo on the faces of the protagonists. Wonderful cover.
“Back In Time” doesn’t have only a good design to show. It has a splendid melody, in pure SIZE style, with a perfect bassline and some nostalgic vibes… In few words, we have a well-known scheme, that works well with the emotions given by the melody and the stunning vocal. It almost brings back to sounds that echo the early work of Angello himself, the SIZE owner!
HENKO, as said, made a legendary job, his voice fits perfectly with the break! That part charges the listener to the drop, which is an explosion of sounds and feelings…
“Back In Time” is a track that needs to be heard with attention. A complex tune, full of memories and emotions, something to respect. Corey James clearly put his heart inside and behind it, and this makes “Back In Time” something really special.
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