
All posts tagged in Warren

  • August 16, 2023By Gonz Alo

    • Aspyer vibes in the formula • Captivating, explosive drop • Surprising delicateness in transitions Only 5 months back, Crash & Smile got featured on our blog for a good Future Rave track “By Your Side“, although I didn’t prefer the generic structuring of the release. However, I have to admit that Yohann Warren surprised

  • March 7, 2023By Gonz Alo

    • Lovely work on the lead’s distortions • Lesser innovation overall • Emotional and passionate vocal, emphasized in break and buildup Yohann Warren has piqued my interest, especially after a commendable debut on Crash & Smile a few months back with “Edge of Tonight“. Teaming up with the vocalist Brunetti again, his latest release drew

  • October 6, 2020By Gonz Alo

    • Catchy and vivid performance • Lesser experimentation, polished tonality • Notable resemblances in the hook and structure Even after the recent poll we conducted stating our displeasure in the lack of variety shown by the renowned imprint of Revealed Recordings, there are talented personalities whose appearance in the label often let us make a

  • August 27, 2020By Gonz Alo

    • Huge similarities with “Destiny’s” melody • Charming vocal by Kyle Reynolds • Interesting sound design, the production has potential When making music, sometimes it feels like everything is already invented: you make a good melody and, after some time working on it, you realize that you have heard it before. Then, you Shazam it

  • May 3, 2020By Gonz Alo

    • Delicate vocal presence • Warm and cordial atmosphere • Less experimentation, but memorable drop segment Warren’s name has underlain between various names in collaborations I particularly appreciated… But today I finally have the opportunity to speak about a solo production from this talented Irish artist! We don’t have a newcomer here by any means,
