
All posts tagged in Hard Lights

  • February 16, 2020By Gonz Alo

    • Not spooky, but with the familiar bouncy drop’s structure • Charismatic performance by Charlott Boss • Complex, hard-hitting melodic schema Despite our negative impression of Hard Lights’ persona, especially after he resorted to insulting one of our fans when exposed about his use of story-watching Instagram bots, as a producer, I must admit that

  • October 6, 2019By edmreviewer

    Instagram is full of debatable trends, between challenges and hashtags, but there is one that never dies: cheaters illegally boosting their stats. This rant is not specifically about the music world, but we are really against these unethical methods. We did a little investigation about some producers who were clearly using bots to watch our

  • May 21, 2018By edmreviewer

    83\100 We are used to getting impressed by Syzz, but today… The Dutch duo definitely created gold for us reviewers. Exactly, “90s Better” is not just a good release, but a splendid concept to talk about. Nowadays, it often happens to us that we review music without personality, but people like Syzz make our work
