
All posts tagged in The Golden Army

  • March 14, 2020By Gonz Alo

    Another year, another sampler. 2020 is the year of Coronavirus and the meetings in Miami Music Week are essentially not happening (considering that Ultra is cancelled), but, luckily, we have the samplers! They are online, they can’t damage us… Unless in rare cases. Overall 66/100 Jokes apart, like every year we put our dirty hands

  • November 25, 2019By Chris W. Lao

    This week saw a new round of disappointments on many fronts but also the rise of some interesting players. As always, we’ll be compiling a short recap of notable tracks that we didn’t have time to cover during the previous week. We hope you enjoy our selection and if you have any tracks you’d like

  • November 28, 2018By edmreviewer

    82/100 • Lovely orchestral elements • Good ethnic atmosphere • Excellent second drop What happens if a savage guy and a really technical one do a track together? Would it be a banger or a complete mess? None of these. Luckily, we can call it for its name now. And, of course, its name is

  • December 30, 2017By edmreviewer

    84/100 KSHMR and Marnik have been an effective combination in the past, with their collaborations “Bazaar” and “Mandala”, both becoming the official anthems of Asia’s largest music festival Sunburn and definite storms in the dance music scene. For the third time, the trio reunited and crafted “Shiva” as the successor of the previous two anthems!
