
All posts tagged in Movie

  • January 6, 2022By Gonz Alo

    “It’s intense, high-energy, and fun”. While only two people found it helpful as a lonesome brief review for a vinyl edition of Matrix 1999’s score, this excerpt will perhaps be met with an endearing affection among the avid fanatics. Roll back to the final day of the last March before the turn of the 21st

  • October 22, 2020By Gonz Alo

    When it comes to the most elegant hosted scams in music industry, none can ever trump or second the deceitful Fyre Festival scam. It resurfaced again previous year after multiple documentaries on Hulu and Netflix were unveiled, elaborating on the “event that never happened” and the brainchild behind it: Billy McFarland. After the barrage of
