
All posts tagged in Luca Testa

  • January 19, 2021By Gonz Alo

    Welcome to our first exclusive series for this year, “Lost Labels Of Yesterday”. In this trilogy, we will remind ourselves of music imprints that decided to hit the brake; whether long-forgotten or recently abandoned. While this would not be an in-depth analysis, we will attempt to find the reason on why these once thriving labels

  • October 6, 2019By edmreviewer

    Instagram is full of debatable trends, between challenges and hashtags, but there is one that never dies: cheaters illegally boosting their stats. This rant is not specifically about the music world, but we are really against these unethical methods. We did a little investigation about some producers who were clearly using bots to watch our

  • August 14, 2019By edmreviewer

      • Can we stop remixing Holocaust psalms? • Appears to cash in on trending keyword and success of Marnik’s version. • Heavy doubts about its flat personality Do you know which review of us has been read the most in 2018? My negative take on “Gam Gam” from the Italians Marnik and SMACK, the

  • October 25, 2018By edmreviewer

    77/100 • Awesome vocal by Philip Matta • Good level of energy • Rather emotionless Hardstyle is not a really common genre on Revealed, but every time they release these style of tracks they attain pretty good results. Today we are reviewing “Memories”, a good euphoric hardstyle tune made by the Italian Luca Testa and the fresh
