
All posts tagged in Jimi Jules

  • February 6, 2022By Gonz Alo

    • Second single from the album “+” • Lively percussions, minimal ambience • Splendid vocals from Jimi himself Albums are a fascinating thing. Not only do they require severe execution that would render their content cohesive and narrative to each other, but experimentation that makes them stand out further. Mainstream dance music lacks from scarcity

  • December 12, 2021By Gonz Alo

    Busier times has followed with advent of December for me, so apologies for the last roundup being absent. Musical aliases, on the other hand, have been on the grind and so on this special instalment of roundup, there’s releases from this and the last Friday. Let’s cut to the chase then! David Guetta, MORTEN –
