
Hardwell & Dannic feat. Kelli-Leigh – Chase The Sun

February 11, 20192 min read

This review is in collaboration with Revealed Family! If you like their work, follow them here.

Dannic returns to Revealed with a new collaboration with the Revealed boss Hardwell. Majestic return? Not that much.
Why? We’ll explain in a bit.

Let’s begin with the track, which is really good. Following the steps of their second collaboration “Kontiki“, “Chase The Sun” are the kind of tracks you can’t say – suck. I would define it as not memorable. Yeah, that’s what is missing in this track as well, something memorable. I probably won’t be singing it along as long as I did with ‘Survivors” (which is still my favorite collab between them).

The second point, the hype for this song was around 0. Hardwell never played it live (unless he played it in ADE, but it wasn’t recorded), Dannic was cutting it on all sets, so only a few fans knew it, I would have enjoyed it better if the boss played it live at Tomorrowland.
For me “Chase The Sun” remains a mediocre song, not marketed well and not as ‘loved’ as it should have been.

While we agree to Revealed Family’s point of view, I must add that I found this behaviour by Hardwell annoying. As he did with “Being Alive“, the strategy of bringing back old ideas (“Apollo”, collab with Dannic) and not evolving them, but keeping a safe and standard structure, is just an easy way to keep earning secure revenues without risking a flop. The result is ok, what a surprise, but we are expecting way more from such an important figure. Garrix is showing that experimenting doesn’t ruin a career, I can’t understand why Hardwell didn’t get that yet.

“Chase The Sun” shows an excellent vocal, but a rather generic base. Dannic made his best, but the bassline shows a bit too much dispersion. Unfortunately, I’ll call it a forgettable tune, the worst of all their collaborations together.

You can listen to “Chase The Sun” here:


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